Senin, 28 Mei 2012

3 trik mengurangi makan berlebih - Sekalipun menyiksa, diet dengan menahan lapar untuk menurunkan berat badan masih menjadi pilihan banyak perempuan. Sebenarnya, tak perlu menyiksa diri dengan membatasi aneka makanan yang masuk ke dalam tubuh. Karena dengan sedikit trik, Anda bisa tetap langsing tanpa harus kelaparan.

1. Sediakan buah dan sayuran dalam jangkauan

Ketika sedang diet, perut biasanya terasa lebih sering lapar. Sediakan makanan sehat seperti sayuran atau buah dalam mangkuk, dan letakkan dalam jangkauan Anda. Penelitian dalamJournal Environtment and Behavior mengungkapkan bahwa orang akan lebih banyak makan jika makanan tersedia dalam jangkauannya. Salah satu jenis makanan yang disarankan untuk disantap adalah irisan buah apel. "Semakin Anda dekat dengan makanan, akan semakin banyak makanan yang dimakan," ungkap salah satu peneliti, Gregory J. Privitera, PhD, assisten profesor pskologi dari Saint Bonaventure University.

2. Suasana meja makan

Suasana dan atmosfer meja makan ternyata juga berpengaruh pada nafsu makan. Kombinasikan warna yang senada agar nafsu makan tidak terlalu tinggi. Misalnya, pasangkan piring putih dengan taplak meja putih. Penelitian dalam Journal of Consumer Research mengungkapkan, paduan warna putih pada piring dan putih pada taplak meja akan menciptakan isyarat visual yang lebih kuat, dan akan membuat Anda sadar akan jumlah makanan yang diambil.
Namun, ketika piring putih tidak dipasangkan dengan taplak meja putih, maka piring putih ini justru akan meningkatkan nafsu makan. Ketika sebuah makanan disajikan dalam piring putih dan taplak hitam, makanan di piring putih akan terlihat lebih manis dan menyenangkan. Piring berwarna putih ini berfungsi untuk melengkapi warna-warna makanan yang disajikan, sehingga akan membuat makanan jadi lebih menarik. Sajikan aneka makanan sehat seperti sayuran dan buah dalam sebuah piring putih agar terlihat lebih menarik dan mengundang selera makan.

3. Ganti gelas Anda
Saat diet, minum banyak air putih menjadi jalan keluar untuk menahan lapar atau menciptakan saat-saat yang menyenangkan untuk diri sendiri. Tak masalah jika yang diminum adalah air putih, namun lain halnya jika minum jus buah, soda, wine, atau minuman lain yang mengandung kalori tinggi.
Banyak orang beranggapan, tak masalah jika minuman tersebut hanya diminum dalam gelas pendek saja. Namun penelitian dari Journal of Consumer Research mengungkapkan, gelas bisa menimbulkan ilusi visual yang cukup berbahaya untuk diet. Gelas yang pendek dan lebar ternyata membuat Anda minum lebih banyak, atau sekitar 25-30 persen jus, soda,wine, dan lain-lain. Sebagai gantinya, pilih gelas yang tinggi dan ramping, agar air yang masuk ke dalam tubuh bisa tetap terkontrol. 

Dihukum Mati karena Menyanyi dan Menari di Pernikahan

ISLAMABAD, — Hanya karena menyanyi dan menari di sebuah acara pernikahan, empat perempuan dan dua pria dijatuhi hukuman mati di Pakistan utara.

Polisi Pakistan, seperti diberitakan kantor berita AFP, Selasa (29/5/2012),  mengatakan, para ulama menerbitkan sebuah keputusan hukuman mati setelah sebuah video yang terekam via ponsel beredar. Gambar video itu memperlihatkan keenam orang tersebut bersenang-senang dengan menyanyi dan menari di sebuah desa terpencil di wilayah pegunungan Kohistan, sekitar 176 kilometer di sebelah utara Islamabad, ibu kota Pakistan.

Pihak berwenang Pakistan di daerah itu mengatakan, para ulama setempat memerintahkan hukuman mati itu berdasarkan tuduhan bahwa para pria dan perempuan itu menari dan bernyanyi bersama di Desa Gada. Berdasarkan adat kesukuan setempat, yang diberlakukan secara ketat, perempuan dan laki-laki harus berada terpisah dalam sebuah acara pernikahan. Maka, adegan perempuan dan pria menari dan bernyanyi bersama merupakan penyimpangan terhadap adat.

"Para ulama setempat mengeluarkan fatwa untuk membunuh keempat perempuan dan kedua pria yang ada dalam video itu," kata perwira polisi wilayah itu, Abdul Majeed Afridi. "Diputuskan bahwa para pria akan dibunuh terlebih dahulu, tetapi mereka (berhasil) lari sehingga para perempuan itu aman untuk saat ini. Saya telah mengirim sebuah tim untuk menangkap mereka dan sedang menunggu kabar," katanya. Ia menambahkan, keempat perempuan itu telah ditahan di rumah mereka.

Afridi mengatakan, peristiwa tersebut bermula dari sebuah perselisihan antara dua suku dan tidak ada bukti para pria dan perempuan itu telah berbaur. "Semua mereka tampil terpisah dalam video itu. Saya sudah melihat video itu di ponsel saya sendiri. Di situ terlihat empat perempuan bernyanyi dan seorang pria menari dalam adegan yang terpisah dan kemudian seorang pria lain duduk dalam satu rekaman yang terpisah," katanya.

"Ini perseteruan suku. Video tersebut telah direkayasa untuk mencemarkan nama baik suku," kata Afridi.

Komisi HAM Pakistan mengatakan, sedikitnya 943 perempuan dan gadis negara itu dibunuh tahun lalu karena diduga telah mencemarkan kehormatan keluarga mereka. Data statistik menyoroti skala kekerasan yang dialami banyak perempuan di kalangan kaum konservatif Pakistan, di mana mereka sering diperlakukan sebagai warga kelas dua.

Thank you, Indonesia...

Inter Milan president Massimo Moratti thanked Indonesians for supporting the Italian club as they traveled throughout the country during their five-day Inter Indonesia Tour 2012.
"Since I wasn't able to be there due to work commitments, I would like to thank the Indonesian fans and their country for all the warmth, joy and passion that I was able to feel and experience, even if it was only by means of television broadcasts and stories from those who were there in Jakarta," Moratti said on Sunday, in a press release.
The internationally-renowned Italian soccer club competed in two friendlies at Bung Karno Stadium in Jakarta, one on Friday and another on Saturday.
The team also attended several events around Jakarta, which included giving coaching clinics for young Indonesian soccer players on Friday.
"I felt moved and happy, even more so at the disposal of those fantastic fans, when thinking of the present and future that we can experience together, with the desire to dedicate to them all the emotions and victories that Inter will soon be achieving again," Moratti said.
"Indonesia, I am grateful to you and I will always cherish these wonderful feelings." 

13 Children Among 19 Dead in Qatar Mall Fire

Doha, Qatar. A fire that erupted at a nursery in a huge Venice-themed shopping center in the expat-dominated Qatari capital of Doha on Monday killed 19 people including 13 children, the interior ministry said.

Four of the children who died were Spanish, said a foreign ministry spokeswoman in Madrid, while Paris announced that a three-year-old French child also perished.

It was also feared that two-year old triplets from an expatriate New Zealand family perished in the blaze that ripped through the shopping center.

The fire left “19 dead, including 13 children, among them seven girls and six boys, in addition to four female teachers,” the interior ministry said on its Twitter page, citing Qatar’s health minister.

Two members of the civil defence also died in the fire at the capital’s Villaggio mall, it said.

The fire broke out at a nursery, state minister for the interior Abdullah bin Nasser Al-Thani told reporters.

“The first report of fire at Villaggio was received by the operations center at 11:02 a.m.,” he said, according to the QNA state news agency, pointing out that police and civil defence reached the site within minutes.

He said it became clear that “20 children were at the nursery in the complex and all efforts were concentrated on evacuating those kids,” adding that firefighters had to break through the roof to get to trapped children after a staircase to the first-floor nursery collapsed.

Dense smoke inside the mall combined with the fierce temperature from the flames made reaching the trapped children very difficult, a civil defence representative told a news conference.

Health Minister Khaled al-Qahtani said all fatalities were caused by asphyxiation, adding that 17 people were injured, mostly firefighters.

Footage posted online showed black smoke billowing from the shopping centre as emergency vehicles rushed to the scene.

Al-Thani told reporters that the “public prosecution has taken charge of the investigation.”

Crown Prince Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani ordered the setting up of a special commission to probe the deadly blaze, the Doha-based Al-Jazeera satellite television station reported.

In Madrid, a foreign ministry spokeswoman said: “Four of the dead children are Spanish,” and added that Spanish embassy officials were trying to get more details.

Yamina Benguigui, the minister in charge of French expatriates, announced in Paris that a French child died in the blaze, but she declined to give any further details, including whether the victim was a boy or a girl.

“It is with great sorrow that I confirm that a French child aged three is among the victims,” she said in a statement.

New Zealand said it feared three of its citizens — reportedly two-year-old triplets — were killed in the fire.

“There are unconfirmed reports that three New Zealanders are dead,” a told AFP, adding that the ministry was seeking further details and offering consular assistance to those who needed it.

The New Zealand Herald, without citing sources, reported that the victims were understood to include triplets belonging to an expatriate New Zealand couple.

Villaggio Mall was opened in 2006. The Venetian-styled centre boasts a mall area of 125,000 square metres. Its main feature is a canal on which genuine gondolas ferry visitors through the mall.

Thanks to its wealth of oil and natural gas reserves, combined with a tiny population of less than two million, mostly foreigners, Qatar is one of the world’s richest countries in terms of per capita income, coming second only to tiny Liechtenstein.

Family members of victims of a fire react after a fire took hold of the Villaggio Mall in Doha, Qatar on Monday. At least 19 people, among them 13 children, died when a fire broke out on Monday at a shopping mall in the Qatari capital Doha, the Ministry of Interior said. Four teachers and two civil defense workers were among those killed. (EPA Photo/STR)

5 Great...Ways to Get Out in Jakarta During the Weekend

Jakarta can be overwhelming during the week with all its traffic, malls and disorder, but taking a breather and enjoying some time outdoors on the weekends can be quite easy. This week we have five great suggestions for ways to take a mini-vacation outdoors without going too far from home.

Gelora Bung Karno Complex 

This sprawling complex has so many sporting activities that it would be hard not to find something to get you active outdoors. Football, tennis and aerobics are some of the more popular activities, but don’t be surprised to find badminton games and roller-sport enthusiasts making use of the area, too.

Taman Suropati 

Located in the heart of Menteng, this swath of greenery features a number of interesting sculptures made by artists from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The lush surroundings and large artworks make the area the perfect place to have a picnic this weekend. Pack a meal, or see what the food vendors in the area have to offer.

Waterbom Jakarta 

It’s so hot in the city! Cool down by taking a ride down one of Waterbom Jakarta’s four water-slides, or just take it easy and have a lazy float on the “Wild River.” Waterbom, in Pantai Indah Kapuk, has adrenaline-pumping water rides and a special kid’s area so the whole family can enjoy a day out.

A Day Trip to Bogor 

By car or by train, Bogor is only about an hour away from Jakarta. The city is prone to attacks of vicious macet (traffic jams) as well, but you can find some quality outdoor time at the Bogor Botanical Gardens located in the city center. The gardens are home to 15,000 species of trees and plants spread over 80 hectares of land. More than 50 types of birds and bats also call the gardens home. Just a little bit further out, Taman Safari Safari is another great family destination. Visitors can see lions, tigers, hippos, elephants and a number of other animals up close and personal.

Car-Free Sunday 

Jakarta’s roads can be incredibly dangerous as cars, motorcycles and buses all jockey for position, but on Car-Free Sundays, the streets belong to the people once more. Grab your roller skates, take a jog or get your bike out of storage and enjoy the empty road. Some people even get their horses out and about for a little urban equestrian action. Check the online schedule to find out what streets are going car-free near you.

Lady Gaga Cancels Jakarta Concert

Facing controversy over her concert in Indonesia, Lady Gaga’s management decided to cancel her Jakarta show on June 3.

"With deep regrets we have to say that the Lady Gaga concert that was scheduled to be held on June 3, could not be conducted," Minola Sebayang, lawyer of the concert promoter Big Daddy, said on Sunday at a press conference.

Minola said Lady Gaga’s management decided to cancel the show after considering the security measures that would be needed if the show went on.

"It is not only Lady Gaga’s security, but also the team and the audience," he said. "She was really concerned about this and she doesn't want any of the audience to get hurt. We have to respect Lady Gaga’s decision."

CEO of Big Daddy Michael Rusli said they would refund the tickets 100 percent, but they would need some time, adding that the cancellation has nothing to do with the permit that was still being reviewed.

"This is the best [solution] concerning security," Michael said. 

Muslim students shout slogans during a rally against US pop singer Lady Gaga's concert that is scheduled to be held on June 3, outside the US Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia on Friday. Lady Gaga might have to cancel her sold-out show in Indonesia because police worry her sexy clothes and dance moves undermine Islamic values and will corrupt the country's youth. (AP Photo/Dita Alangkara)